
Bhimayana Experiences Of Untouchability Pdf Download

Bhimayana Experiences Of Untouchability Pdf Download Untouchability is the idea that people who are outside the Hindu caste system, or any other traditional or religious rigid hierarchy, cannot be touched. The concept has been associated with ideas such as spiritual pollution and physical danger. Over time, untouchability has taken on a variety of meanings and forms such as social exclusion, segregation and ostracism. It is typically practiced in India because of its strong tradition of castes and hereditary occupations where there is a strict set of rules about who can touch whom in which ways. Untouchability is a term used to refer to the lowest castes of Indian society. It is a term that is not freely used by those people who were previously untouchable. The term is now commonly used in English, and was first used by Ambedkar, who was himself from an untouchable caste and like many other untouchables, lived among them and observed their lives and circumstances. It can be described as a complex set of social stratification system in India where the lowest social groups are considered outside the Hindu caste system and thus considered to be impure. There is a set of rules and ideas about who can touch whom and why, which are different from region to region and community to community. The rules often include prohibitions on serving food or water, touching the basis of the feet, touching the outer garments such as kurta pajamas (dhoti), touching feet at construction work sites and others like bathing after defecation. These rules create a situation where persons belonging to the low caste may not eat food cooked by those from other castes, touch their hands or other parts of their bodies or allow them to drink water from the same vessel. This creates a social exclusion which causes the low caste people to keep away from the rest of society, mainly because of their economic dependence on higher ranks within their society. This isolation, according to Ambedkar, has caused these communities to fall behind in terms of education and other opportunities. Untouchability means all persons who are outside the Hindu caste system are considered impure and unclean by the community. This historically has led to exploitation of downtrodden by upper castes, particularly Brahmins. Nowadays, even legal measures have been taken against people practicing untouchability by imposing fines or other punishments on them. The Constitution of India provides equal rights to all citizens irrespective of their social statuses. In the early post-colonial era, Ambedkar studied Hinduism, Islam and Christianity to understand the difference between the personal beliefs of this religion and its social organisation which had led to untouchability. He had first used the term untouchability in his book "The Buddha and His Dhamma" (1899) to discuss what he termed as ‘status-ascribed’ untouchability. The term was later popularised by him in his book "RSS and Social Transformation" (1924), which detailed how what he called ‘personal ascribed’ untouchability had given way to impersonal social life where you are treated differently based on your birth.


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